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Olive groves welcomed us to a whole different part of Spain.  Look at all those pomegranates, I mean Granadas.
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Granada and Alhambra  

Alhambra is all about the tiny details of the plaster panes, the ceramic tiles, and the wooden latticework.  Yet, the expanse of this castle, citadel, fortress positively cannot be captured in photos.  No sooner than we moved from one building or tower, a beautiful garden opened in front of us.  The complex quite literally goes on and on.  

The other notable feature is the water.  The Acequia Real is the main water channel which carries the water supply to the palace.  Learning about the clever network of channels continued to amaze us.

What Did We Learn?

1.  Granadas aka pomegranates are everywhere--see where you can find them.
2.  Granada has a Football Club (soccer) that is less well known than some of the others.
3.  Bathrooms in fortresses built in the 1200s and 1300s are not as available as one might think--if you see one, take advantage.
4.  The expanses and the views are breathtaking.  The small details of the craftsmanship are equally incredible. 
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